New Delhi
DOT orders to block 857 porn sites to Internet Service providers has brought mixed reaction in general public at large in INDIA.
But the question that comes to mind is ,will this ban really bring down the crime graph in terms of molestation and other sex assaults which are carried by psychos who mostly are the regular visitors of porn sites.
If we see on one hand it might but on the other hand if we see policing percentage compared to population of a given area in densely populated areas of cities it is too low.
One of the other perspective which i see is that globally this ban in INDIA will be taken by other countries as INDIA ,a Conservative Nation and not as a Modern,Growing Nation.
But the technology being so advanced will Government be able to ban 100% porn on the internet domain as the internet technology expert may still make access to the porn available to Indian internet users by overriding the blockers ,Also it is there generally when something is banned it automatically creates a heavy demand in the market without any push.