Fourth GRIPMER Oration delivered by Dr. Achayuta Samanta

Fourth  GRIPMER Oration delivered by Dr. Achayuta Samanta,


“Inclusive and Sustainable Development”



It was four years ago that the  Ganga Ram Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (GRIPMER ) was launched . To celebrate its fourth year of its existence  ,  the annual GRIPMER Oration was delivered on 10th March,2016  by  Dr . Achyuta Samanta , Founder , Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology , Bhubaneswar . The topic of the oration was “Inclusive and Sustainable Development”. Dr Samanta founded Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) & Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS)  with a budget of Rs 5000 in 1993  , which today provides free of cost education from Kindergarden (K.G) to Postgraduation (P.G) including boarding and lodging to 25,000 tribal children .


According to Dr D.S.Rana , Chairman , Board of Management , Sir Ganga Ram Hospital , “Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has recently signed a M.O.U with Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (under KIIT university) , to collaborate in clinical care , training and research . First six areas in clinical care will be Mother & Child health , Nutrition , Biochemistry, Medicine , Orthopaedics & Surgery , mainly directed towards tribal children . SGRH will also train doctors from KIMS and will collaborate in research projects which are of relevance to the poor in India .”


Dr Rana further added , “ GRIPMER was constituted to further coordinate and stimulate the  academics and research activities of the hospital . I am happy to note that in the last year 314 research papers have been published , out of which 106 are in indexed journals . Also ,  presently , there are 90 research projects which are being funded by the ICMR , Department of Biotechnology , WHO , Department of Science and Technology , Ministry of Environment , Government of India, and many others.”


According to Dr Samiran Nundy , Dean , GRIPMER , “ SGRH  has been running the country’s largest DNB training programme : in 17 broad specialities and 14 super specialities . It also publishes a bimonthly journal Current Medicine Research & Practice  , which contains original and review articles besides other sections , contributed from within and outside the hospital .  Apart from earmarking funds for research , we also provide incentives to young researchers . ”


Delivering the Fourth GRIPMER Oration , Dr Achyuta Samanta  , Founder  , KIIT &KISS , Bhubaneswar , said, “ Education , in today’s world is the only  game changer for the upliftment of poor and downtrodden . My aim is to empower as many poor children as possible with free & holistic education for their sustainable development. This will  bring them to the main stream of the society . Besides helping with free education to 25,000 tribal children in Bhubaneswar , Odisha , we are also currently , helping to educate 400 street children in Delhi .”


The Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, a charitable not-for-profit medical institution, has been in existence in New Delhi for last six decades. It takes pride in providing medical care of a high standard to all sections of society including completely free services to  20% of its patients especially those below the poverty line and who are economically weaker than others. The hospital has also been running the country’s largest postgraduate training programme for trainee specialists in the private sector, the Diplomate of the National Board of Examinations in 17 broad and 13 super specialties. Four years ago, the Chairman of our Hospital Board of Management constituted the Ganga Ram Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (GRIPMER) to be an overarching body to coordinate and stimulate further the academic and research activities here. GRIPMER also publishes an academic journal, the Current Medicine Research and Practice which comes out every two months and contains original and review articles besides other sections contributed from within and outside the hospital.

Two institutes with similar aims for social welfare for the up- liftment of people belonging to all sections of society have planned to collaborate on improving clinical care, education, training, academics and research. To begin with the emphasis shall be on maternal and child health, surgery, specialized nursing and nutrition. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital shall help to improve status of health in these areas especially in tribal population.

The oration was followed by distribution of awards in the following categories:

  1. Best Teacher
  2. Best Publication in CMRP
  3. Best Thesis
  4. Best publication in any journal

Dr Rana further added , “We hope that by our two great institutions coming together we can work towards the benefit of our tribal population as well as society at large.”