Npic 2019101820247

Girls to be admitted in Sainik Schools from next academic session: Govt

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
has approved.proposal for admission of girl
children in Sainik Schools
from academic session 2021
22 in a phased manner. The
decision has been taken
following the success of the
pilot project started by the
Ministry for admission of girl
children in Sainik School
Chhingchhip in Mizoram two
years ago.

Mr Singh has directed
concerned authorities to
ensure availability of
necessary infrastructure and
sufficient female staff in
Sainik schools for smooth
implementation of the
directive. The decision is in
line with the objective of the
government towards greater
inclusiveness, gender
equality, enabling greater
participation of women in
Armed Forces and
strengthening the motto of
‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’.