PNB Farmers’ Welfare Trust enters MoU with Agriculture Skill Council of India(ASCI)

PNB Farmers’ Welfare Trust enters MoU with Agriculture Skill Council of India(ASCI)



For the purpose of improving the quality of training imparted by the Training Centres of PNBFWT has entered into MoU with Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) for adoption of National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF). Punjab National Bank, one of the largest nationalized Banks has established PNB Farmers’ Welfare Trust for promoting skill development among the farmers, women and rural youth in different parts of the country.  The ASCI is a Sector Skill Council for Agriculture Sector under the aegis of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and is engaged in creating an eco system for quality vocational education in agriculture and allied sector. Under the MoU, the assessment and certification of trainees of Training Centres will be done by ASCI on the basis of NSQF.


  1. With the implementation of MoU, the contents, standards and quality of the trainings imparted by FTCs will boost substantially to the benefit of the farmers, women and rural youth. The MoU has been executed by Dr.Rakesh Gupta, Executive Trustee/General Manager, PNBFWT and Dr.Satender Arya, Chief Executive Officer, ASCI. Speaking on the occasion, the Executive Trustee and the CEO said that the outcome of the MoU will have a long lasting impact on the skill development of the rural populace in agriculture and non-agriculture activities compatible with national standards.  The trainings based on the locally available raw material will get a big boost. This standardization of training contents, assessment and certification will also help in creating Agri women enterprise.