Yet another initiative towards the Swachhta 2.0 Special Campaign at RINL
Yet another initiative towards the Swachhta 2.0 Special Campaign at RINL
Shri Atul Bhatt, CMD, RINL, inaugurates newly developed Kaushal Park at the Learning &Development Centre of RINL.
Posted On: 26 OCT 2022, Delhi
As part of the Swachhatha 2.0 initiatives called by the Govt. of India, Shri Atul Bhatt, CMD, Rastriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL), inaugurated a newly developed Kaushal Park at the Learning & Development Centre (L&DC) of RINL, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, today.
Later, Sri Atul Bhatt, CMD, RINL, planted a sapling in Kaushal Park and distributed cloth bags to contract workers and trainees as yet another initiative by RINL towards the ban of single-use plastic and concern for the environment. Sri Atul Bhatt addressed the trainees and RINL employees. He congratulated the entire L& D team for their creativity in developing the KAUSHAL park using scrap materials and lauded their concern for swachhata and the environment. Shri Atul Bhatt urged the trainees and L&DC staff to get actively involved in cleanliness and eco-friendliness in their surroundings. Shri Atul Bhatt visited the Skill Development Centre (SDC), inspected the Apprentice Trainees establishment and Separated Employees Welfare & Assistance (RINL-SEWA) cell and lauded the efforts of the L& D collective for maintaining the entire L& D premises very neat.

The Kaushal Park was developed In a beautiful way by utilising the unused area by utilising the scrap materials, a welcome arch was erected, a boundary was formed with grills, pathways were created by laying bricks, and suitable painting was done to pathways, grills, and other earmarked zones in the park. All the above work was done in-house by involving the enthusiastic employees, trainees and contract workers of L&DC.

Shri G. Gandhi, Chief General Manager (HR)-CS, administered the Swachhatha pledge along with Mrs. N. Bhanu, GM (Training)& HoD (head of the department)-L&DC, Sri A. Ashok, GM(CSR), employees and trainees of L&DC.