63rd Lamp Ligtning Ceremony held at SGRH

14th Feb 19

63rd Lamp Ligtning Ceremony held at SGRH

School of Nursing , Sir Ganga Ram Hospital today held 63rd Lamp Lightning Ceremony in the hospital campus . This ceremony formally declares entry of student nurses who have passed out from School of Nursing , SGRH into nursing profession .

On this occasion Mrs Meenakshi Lekhi , Member of Parliament , was the chief guest . She distributed prizes to meritorious students .

This year 37 students have graduated and 40 students have joined this year .

Speaking on the occasion Mrs Meenakshi Lekhi said , ” Nursing students should remember that personal hygiene and hygiene in the area of work space is as important as taking care of patients . Nurses can play an important role in maintaing ” Swach Bharat. Most important is to use knowledge with wisdom as knowledge alone can be harmful . “

Speaking on the occasion Dr D S Rana , Chairman (BOM) , Sir Ganga Ram Hospital said , ” Nursing profession is not only one of the noblest profession but also back bone of healthcare industry “

Author: sarkarimirror