A clinical test of a Covid-19 vaccine in Germany approved

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A clinical test of a Covid-19 vaccine in Germany has been approved, according to the country’s Federal Institute for Vaccines.

The trial will see 200 healthy participants between the age of 18 and 55 receive several variants of the vaccine, developed by German biotech company BioNTech, as scientists examine its efficacy in providing immunity against the virus.

Additional tests will be conducted on more people, including those at higher risk from the disease, in a second stage.

BioNTech said it was developing the vaccine candidate, named BNT162, together with pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

BNT162 is also set to be trialled in the US, once regulatory approval for testing on humans had been secured there.

Coronavirus, which has so far killed more than 177,000 people and infected 2.5 million, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University ,a hope will be there once the medicine is successful in test.

Author: sarkarimirror