Author: sarkarimirror

Screenshot 2020 06 18 20 03 38 099
Posted in Current News

Former Goa Minister Achyut Usgaonkar passes away

Former Goa minister, Achyut Kashinath Sinai Usgaonkar passed away. He was represented Pale constituency in the then Goa, Daman and Diu legislative assembly. He was…

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Screenshot 2020 06 18 20 00 20 038
Posted in Current News

India to participate in Victory Day Parade of World War-11

India will send its Tri-Service contingent to take part in the 75th Victory Day Parade of World War II in Moscow, Russia. India will send…

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Screenshot 2020 06 18 19 54 39 677
Posted in Current News

Government of lndia to launch “Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan”

“Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan” will be launched by the Government of India from Village Telihar, Block Beldaur of Khagaria District of Bihar. It is a…

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Screenshot 2020 06 18 19 51 58 274
Posted in Corporate International

The Asian Development Bank forecasts Indian economy to contract 4% in FY21

The Asian Development Bank has projected Indian economy to contract by 4% in Fiscal Year 2021. Indian economy has been projected to contract, as businesses…

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