Environment Department to launch Anti Fire Crackers Campaign

  • Environment Department to check noise pollution from the crackers during forthcoming Diwali festival
  • ·        Strict Compliance to the orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India regarding noise pollution and prevention especially related to complete ban on bursting of sound emitting fire crackers between 10 pm to 6 am.


New Delhi, 10th October, 2014


To control Air and Noise pollution due to use of fire crackers & other fireworks, Delhi Government has been conducting Anti Fire Cracker Campaign during Diwali and seeking cooperation of all the enforcement agencies to monitor noise pollution. A substantial impact in preventing bursting of fire crackers by a large section of people has been observed resulting in reduction of Air and Noise levels.

In order to ensure celebration of pollution free Diwali, following measures have been recommended:-

  1. Restriction for Licenses to sale of fireworks.
  2. Compliance to orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 1st July 2005 in WPC No. 72 of 1998 with civil appeal No. 3735 of 2005 regarding noise pollution and prevention especially related to complete ban on bursting of sound emitting fire crackers between 10 pm to 6 am.
  3. Implementation of Explosive Rules 2008 with respect to fireworks by the manufacturers.

A meeting has also been called on 13.10.2014 with Designated Authority as per notification under Noise Rules, 2000 viz., Delhi Police including Traffic Police, Deputy Commissioners (Revenue), SDMs, and officials of Delhi Pollution Control Committee to formulate an action plan to reduce air and noise pollution due to bursting of firecrackers during forthcoming Diwali festival.

Department will also launch Anti fire Crackers campaign in newspapers shortly.

DPCC has also done testing of fire cracker available in market. Crackers were procured from open market and theses Crackers were tested for noise levels. Though the samples were found meeting the prescribed standards (sound level not exceeding 125db (AI) or 145db(C) pk at 4 meter distance from the point of bursting). Some of samples were not having details of chemical content sound level on the box and thus found violating the Explosive Rules, 2008 with reference to section- 15(iii) which read as under:-

 “every manufacturer shall on the box of each fire crackers shall mention details of its chemical content, sound level and that it satisfies requirement as laid down by the Chief Controller . Firecracker meant for export shall have a different color packing from those intended to be sold in India and a clear print indicating that they are not to be sold in India”.

This has been bought to the knowledge of licensing authority as well as to the Joint Chief Controller of Explosive North Circle Faridabad for further necessary action.

Author: sarkarimirror