E-committee of Supreme court of India conferred with the Platinum award for Excellence in Digital Governance by the President of India
E-committee of Supreme court of India conferred with the Platinum award for Excellence in Digital Governance by the President of India
Posted On: 30 DEC 2020 , Delhi
E-committee of Supreme court of India was conferred with the Platinum award for Excellence in Digital Governance by the President of India in today’s online Digital India Award presentation ceremony.

E-Courts project visioned and implemented by the eCommittee, Supreme court of India along with Department of Justice and NIC( National Information Centre) is a Mission Mode Project of Government of India. The project has set an example of a successful e-governance project reaping rich dividends to the Litigants and Citizens of the country recording 232,42,83,034 (as on 14.12.2020) crore e-transactions with Average e-transactions for 343 days in 2020 is 67.06 lakhs per day (as per e-taal website), topping the mission mode project category.
Citizens can access Case status, causelist court orders anywhere, any time through e-courts services website, mobile app, sms email services from the 3293 court complexes. Moreover, Citizens/litigants/Lawyers and can get the details of 13.79 Cr cases, 13.12 Cr orders and judgments available online 24 X7 free of cost .During Pandemic 55,417,58 cases heard by courts through video conferencing using the digital infrastructure provided by the ecourts project pan India making Indian courts Global leader in conducting cases through VC.
E-committee of supreme court of India consists of Patron-in-Chief Mr Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde, Chief Justice of India; Chairperson Dr Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, Judge, Supreme Court of India ; Vice-Chairperson Mr Justice R.C. Chavan, Former Judge, Bombay High Court and four members.