Second Edition of the Indo-US Printmaking Exhibition ‘Multiple Encounters’ begins in New Delhi

Second Edition of the Indo-US Printmaking Exhibition ‘Multiple Encounters’ begins in New Delhi
The second edition of the Indo-US Printmaking Exhibition titled ‘Multiple Encounters’ was inaugurated here today by the Union Minister for Culture, Kumari Selja in the presence of Shri K.R. Subbanna, Acting Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi and Shri Michael Pelletier, Minister Counselor for Public Diplomacy, American Embassy. The exhibition is a display of the printmaking works of over 120 artists of repute from the USA and India. The exhibition has been painstakingly curated by a joint team of Indian and American printmakers who have taken pains to select relevant works to enhance the overall quality of the display.As printmaking is a form of art that has a universal appeal among artists of all genres, the works on display have been created by some of our legendary Indian masters such as Jyoti Bhatt, Somenath Hore, Dipak Banerji, and others of their category. Even eminent printmakers of our times have been included in this impressive showing. The American contingent of prints are sourced from equally prominent sources so that the works have a high level of proficiency and artistic merit to their credit. Many of these printmakers have used innovative techniques and combination of material usage in their works, showcasing the latest trends and experimentations that are ongoing in this art form.A detailed catalogue is being published to compliment the show. Several masters of yore have given personal interviews of their art journeys, enlarging on their experiments, inventions and the conditions under which they had pioneered printmaking in India. The exhibition has thus a scholarly and a visual appeal to its credit.The exhibition will be on public view till the 6th February, 2012. However, there will be no public viewing on 26th January, 2012 because of Republic Day.

Author: sarkarimirror