“Government Schemes for Child Protection in India” book launched – Author Dr. Rubee Singh

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Book Launch

“Government Schemes for Child Protection in India” is published by Pacific Book International New Delhi which is Web-launched on Sunday, 14, 2020 at 4:00PM- 5:00PM through Zoom Meeting app.

‘Child Protection’ is about protecting children from or against any perceived or real danger or risk to their life, their parenthood and childhood. Looking at the sensitive issue Author Dr. Rubee Singh has tried to highlight about how the Government & NGOS are trying to control this social issue in her Book “Government Schemes for Child Protection in India” The book was launched by Honorable Guests who are in policy making, implementation and security set up.

Chief Guest for the occasion was the distinguished Founder Chairman – Nexus of Good Foundation, Former Secretary Government of India- Shri Anil Swarup (Rtd IAS) in his address complimented the authors for having the vision and courage to speak on the social issues. He also advocated the need of Child protection & Child’s Right as – Children are the future of every country.

The event was attended online at zoom meeting by Students, Researchers, Dean, Directors, NGO heads, Civil Servants & Media Professionals. Book Launch was hosted by International Journal of Academic Research in Social Sciences & Humanities ISSN: 2454-2202 in collaboration with Centre for Socio Economic & Business Studies Hyderabad.”

• Dr. Kalpana Gopalan, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Youth Empowerment & Sports, Government of Karnataka & Shri Ram Charitra DIG, CRPF Range Bhubaneswar North Odisha – State Odisha were the Eminent speaker & Remark opener to lead discussion.

The session was further followed by the panel discussion on the topic Public Policy & Law Implementation for Child Protection & Child’s Right in India

The speakers who have contributed their valuable insight on the topic were Urvashi Prasad Policy Specialist NITI Aayog, Govt. of India, Mr. Ashish Kumar Senior Faculty–Vision IAS, Founder–Trust IAS & Adv Sumitra Choudhary from Supreme Court of India. The panel discussion covered the policies & laws to protect the abounded children as stated in the Book. Also, it was discussed by Mr Ashish Kumar Founder of Trust IAS how the students will be benefited by the book who are preparing for UPSC Civil services, Law students and Police officers.

“On this Web Launch Dr. S. Rajesh IFS Director- NITI Aayog, Director (Attached) COVID-19 Core Team Department of Health Research , Ministry of Health and Family Welfare , Government of India was awarded as Corona- warrior by IJARSH JOURNAL, Hyderabad and CSEBS

Biography of Author- Dr Rubee Singh

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Dr. Rubee Singh is a Professor, Editor, Author & Social Activist. She has been awarded Honorary Doctorate in Human Rights & Peace from Royal American University USA in September 2019 for her outstanding contribution in social work. Recently awarded as Chartered Global Peace Building Professional (CGPP) for the academic year 2020-2021 by The George Washington University of Peace USA in May 2020. She holds a Doctorate in HR from Noida International University India at the young age of 26 year, B.Sc, an MBA in HR from Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University India. She is author of 9 academic books & published more than 30 papers/articles in repute journal include national newspapers.

Dr Singh is a Managing Editor of IJARSH & IJIEMR. She is a United Nations Volunteer and also a contributing author for Voices of Youth (UNICEF). Invited by WEPS Forum of United Nations (UN Women) to attend IWD’20 in New York USA also invited by ‘The Stem Women Project’ Ghana to attend IWD20. She has received TalkLove Africa Foundation Award from Nigeria in March 2020 for promoting Education Campaign in India. She is nominee for ‘The Oscar for the World’s Greatness Civility Humanitarians’ Award 2020 London.

Dr. Singh has received two prestigious awards in the field of Research ‘Young Scientist Award’20 by Elsevier Research Award at International Level in March 2020 & Best Managing Editor Award of the Year 19-20 by Elsevier SSRN for IJIEMR in Feb 2020

She received Linkedin Wonder Women award 19 & 20 by Linkedin on International Women’s Day and COVID-19 Leadership Award by Sexy Brilliant Revolution Canada with unique objective to remove toxic words from organization. Her career success story has featured in eYS Magazine Autumn 2020, page no.28 Sydney Australia. Dr Singh is accredited united nations faculty for women empowerment & gender equality. She is working on many global mission like women empowerment, gender equality, child education, poverty alleviation, child labor protection, child & girls trafficking, Climate Change etc agenda 2030, She has ccompleted many certification course from United Nations on Social issues, Social Justice & SDG agenda 2030 & Health related courses from World Health Organization include COVID-19. Before published this book She has completed one week certification course from UNICEF on child Protection -best management resource pack – how to plan, monitor & evaluate child protection programmes. She is an honorary life member of Women Economic Forum..

Also holds position of:

• National Secretary of IATM (Youth Wing) International Anti Terrorism Movement India.
• Volunteer member of International Human Rights Commission Europe & IHRO India.
• Global Goodwill Ambassador India in Peace and Human Rights – GGA USA,
• Child Ambassador India- My Body is My Body Child Abuse Prevention Program UK.
• Child Ambassador India- Happy Ambassador Concept Finland
• First International Supporter for Deadly Guardians Australia at International level.
• Global Ambassador – India by African Youth Development Foundation
• National Record Holder (India Book of Records-2020) as Grand Master for Book Writing as declared on 2may 2020
• Selected as Grand Master by Asia Book of Records for International Business management Book in Asia Region for edition 2021as declared on 10th may 2020
• Great Warriors of Humanity by International Human Rights Advisory Council

Author: sarkarimirror