Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Funds Landmark State-wide School Quality Improvement Program

Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Funds Landmark State-wide  School Quality Improvement Program

Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Funds Landmark State-wide
School Quality Improvement Program

– 1.6 million children in 12,000 government primary and middle schools in Haryana to benefit-
– Foundation applauds the comprehensive approach by Government of Haryana to improve student learning level outcomes-


NEW DELHI– Mrs. Surina RajanPrincipal Secretary, Department of School Education Government of Haryana, and Mr. Debasish Mitter,Country Director, India of the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, today announced a partnership to support Haryana’s landmark state-wide school Quality Improvement Programme (QIP). By signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), both parties affirmed their commitment to make Haryana a leading State in quality education for its students. The QIP will impact 1.6 million children in grades 1 to 8 of approximately 12,000 government primary and middle schools across Haryana.

The QIP was announced earlier this year by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Haryana, as part of the Mukhya Mantri Siksha Diksha Yojna (MMSDY). The programme is being closely monitored by Smt. Surina Rajan, Principal Secretary, Department of School Education, Government of Haryana and the district officials responsible for providing education services for over 15,000 schools and 80,000 teachers serving 2.7 million children in the state of Haryana. Over the last few years, Haryana has improved significantly in terms of accessibility and equity in education, however, there is scope for improvement on the quality aspect.

The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, a global charitable foundation focused on improving the lives of impoverished children in the United States, South Africa and India, has invested over INR 745 crores ($120 million) in India since 2006. Through this collaboration, the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation will provide funding over a three year period to Boston Consulting Group, to provide the support for effective implementation and scale-up of this ground-breaking project.

Mrs. Surina Rajan, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education, State Government Haryana, said, “The Quality Improvement Programme is a systemic transformation initiative to impact learning  levels of children in Haryana, through creation of an educational management model. This is an unprecedented approach that engages multiple stakeholder, fosters innovation and builds organizational capacity – which can be replicated across the country.”

Mr. Debasish Mitter, Country Director, India, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation said, “We are honoured to work closely with the State Government of Haryana on such an ambitious journey to build a cohesive system across all Haryana government schools, with student learning levels being the central focus. We applaud the strong leadership of Mrs. Surina Rajan, Principal Secretary of Education, and her leaders and the state of Haryana for taking a very bold step of comprehensively addressing problems from a systemic to a classroom level. We believe this comprehensive project across the entire education system will address all areas that ultimately shape the quality of teacher-student classroom transactions.”

The QIP strategy, aims to transform Government school education in Haryana, with special focus on improving student level learning outcomes. As part of the project, various initiatives have been designed to be rolled out over the next three to five years with participation with dedicated teams from across the Department of School Education. Ten interventions have been recommended to bring about state-wide education transformation including measuring and tracking progress, focusing the education system towards academic quality, leadership training, communication and cultural transformation, pedagogical changes and teacher training, and management information systems.

Notes for Editor:

About Haryana Quality Improvement Programme (QIP)

The Government of Haryana has embarked upon a massive state wide Quality Improvement Programme (QIP), covering 12,000+ government schools with 16 lakh students with the aim of improving learning level outcomes of students in government schools. The department has identified critical initiatives needing interventions and has formed dedicated teams for each of them. Alongside, a Program Management Unit (PMU) has also been set up for the overall project supervision and coordination. It undertakes the following core activities:

  • In-school initiatives will aim at providing better teaching tools and training to teachers and school leaders to deal with the existing learning deficits seen in a large percentage of the students.
  • Systemic changes will be meant to increase a system-wide focus on quality, to free up bandwidth at all levels to devote more time on academics, and to create sustainable, long-term internal capacity to enhance skills and capabilities.

About Michael & Susan Dell Foundation

Founded in 1999, the central mission of the US-based Michael & Susan Dell Foundation is transforming the lives of children living in urban poverty through better health and education. Since 2006, the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation have invested more than INR 745 crores ($120 million) in transforming the lives of children living in urban poverty in India. In addition to its focus on education and health, the foundation also seeks to increase family economic stability as a prerequisite of progress on either front.

Author: sarkarimirror