Workshop on Best Practices in Preventive Vigilance & Systemic Improvements held.

A Workshop on Best Practices in Preventive Vigilance & Systemic Improvements in the Public Sector Banks was held on 22.03.2019 at Head Office of Punjab National Bank, Dwarka, New Delhi,. The Workshop was chaired by Sh. K V Chowdary, Central Vigilance Commissioner. Dr. T.M. Bhasin, Vigilance Commissioner, Shri Anindo Majumdar, Secretary-CVC, Shri P. Daniel, Additional Secretary-CVC and Advisors from the Commission were also present in the workshop.

The Workshop was attended by MD & CEOs and Chief Vigilance Officers of 6 Public Sector Banks (Punjab National Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Punjab & Sind Bank, Allahabad Bank, UCO Bank and United Bank). Both the Executive Directors of Punjab National Bank were also present in the Workshop.

Shri Sunil Mehta, MD & CEO of Punjab National Bank welcomed all the dignitaries from CVC and other Banks.

The MD & CEOs of participating Banks presented the initiatives taken by their Banks for systemic improvements in Preventive Vigilance for mitigating the risk of frauds. It was a brain storming session where Shri Chowdary and Dr. Bhasin, interacted with the MD & CEOs. Through discussions, a new paradigm in the preventive vigilance emerged.
The presentations and discussion were followed by open session in which all the invitees participated and shared their views.
The workshop was concluded with a vote of thanks extended by Shri S K Nagpal, CVO-PNB.

Photo Caption:From left to right: Shri L V Prabhakar, Executive Director, PNB, Shri Sunil Mehta, MD & CEO, PNB, Dr. T M Bhasin, Vigilance Commissioner, Shri K V Chowdary, Central Vigilance Commissioner and Shri Anindo Majumdar, Secretary, CVC)

Author: sarkarimirror