Month: May 2021

Posted in Current News

More than 22.77crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs

More than 22.77crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs More than 1.82crore doses still available with States/UTs to be administered Posted On: 29 MAY 2021, Delhi…

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Posted in Current News

Government decides to discontinue the Central Allocation of Remdesivir

Government decides to discontinue the Central Allocation of Remdesivir Remdesivir production ramped up ten times Country has enough Remdesivir, supply is more than demand Strategic…

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Posted in Current News

A natural dye extract may protect our eyes from harmful laser

A natural dye extract may protect our eyes from harmful laser Posted On: 29 MAY 2021 , Delhi Scientists have found that the natural indigo…

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Posted in Central Government Schemes Current News

Government launches YUVA – Prime Minister’s Scheme For Mentoring Young Authors

Government launches YUVA – Prime Minister’s Scheme For Mentoring Young Authors Author Mentorship programme to train young and budding authors Young Writers to pay tribute…

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