With the fear of third Covid wave still lurking , is it feasible to open schools ?


New Delhi

With the fear still lurking of third possible Covid 19 wave according to health experts ,the question that comes to mind is that is it safe to open school in Delhi and other cities. Are the school well prepared to observe the norms for keeping safety of school kids ,so that it doesn’t impact their health.

Have the government done some survey with parents whether they agree to send their kids to school,are they confident enough that strong effectove measures will be in place in schools for the safety of kids.

This decision if taken hasty can put kids health in danger ,so the government should have a thorough checks at school or trials to see wether schools will be able to handle this or not .There are options of online too for parents who dont want to send kids to school.

Though Over 55 doctors have written to the higher authorities — CMs, PMO, Disaster Management Authority, etc. — on why schools should reopen now with higher priority on primary schools but still will it not be a hasty decision ,that only time will unfold.

Author: sarkarimirror